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30,000 qualified candidates

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Simple and low-cost pricing

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Praise & Worship Leader

Simple & powerful tools to hire the right person, faster

What ChurchJobFinder Offers

Quickly find the right candidate or save money? Why not both.

ChurchJobFinder is made with the unique needs of your church in mind, so you can find quality candidates who share your vision, without limitations or spending $1000s.

Post A Job

Unlimited Job Postings 

 Access to Quality Candidates

Affordable Yearly Rate

Easy to Use

Made for Churches

Email, Phone, & Chat Support

With ChurchJobFinder, you have the flexibility to post a job at any time, for any length, without the worry of finding extra money in the budget.

The ChurchJobFinder Difference

Supporting the unique hiring needs of churches

ChurchJobFinder’s all-inclusive yearly price begins at just $249 for unlimited postings. 

Indeed’s Sponsored Post starts at $5 a day for a single job post (expect to pay more depending on location, job title, and how quickly you fill the position).

How does pricing differ? 

Cost & Features Comparison

Additional Sponsored Posts extra

All-inclusive pricing

No hidden costs

With ChurchJobFinder, you have the flexibility to post a job at any time, for any length, without the worry of finding extra money in the budget. 



Additional Sponsored Posts extra

Unlimited job postings

All-inclusive pricing

Pay-per-click pricing

Access to thousands of resumes

Message qualified job seekers

Purchase additional subscription

Track and rate applicants

Hiring dashboard

Phone, email, chat support

Built for churches

Church Hiring Toolkit

How to Hire the Best Staff course

Database of over 230,000 church leaders and ministry job seekers

Passively promote to job seekers

Proactively alert job seekers

It's easy to get started. Post your Worship Leader opening today!

Hire a worship leader, without spending $1000s

ChurchJobFinder  vs  Indeed

Get StartedPost a Job


$249/ year for unlimited postings

$300/ 60 days for one post